Sponsored Video: News on the Go with NewsLoop App on Apple Watch


Like to have news on the go? If you are an Apple Watch user, you may be happy to know that NewsLoop, a news app from Singtel, is available on Apple Watch.

Developed in Singapore, NewsLoop is one of the first Singapore news and lifestyle content apps accessible on Apple Watch. It is also the highest rated news app on the Apple App Store and Google Play for Singapore, with over 2.2 million downloads.

NewsLoop New Dashboard and Apple Watch
NewsLoop brings you the latest happenings from over 600 publishers in 30 news and lifestyle categories from luxury to heath to sports, and many more. Some of the publishers include respected sources such as BBC, New York Times, ESPN and CNET Asia. You’ll be able to personalise your content preferences with the app too, choosing to read from those you are interested in, keeping track of top stories and saving stories for reading on your iPhone.

NewsLoop New Dashboard iPhone
The user interface was recently given a facelift; NewsLoop now features a more user-friendly Dashboard with one-touch access to “Add/Manage Categories”, a more visually appealing grid-style “Categories” layout and a “Do Not Disturb” setting to manage news alerts. It also includes quintessential Apple Watch features such as Glances, actionable notifications and Handoff to offer more convenience to users.

Sponsored video:

Click on the top right side of the video to download the Newsloop app on their phones to experience it today! This post is sponsored by Singtel. 


About Author

Katherine Goh is the managing editor and co-founder of Asia 361. On days when she is not writing, she spends her time dreaming of becoming a travel photographer. For editorial matters, she can be reached at email: [email protected].

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