I Tried the Volnewmer Treatment That is Touted to be the Painless Alternative to Thermage


If you are into aesthetics treatment, chances are you’ve heard of Thermage. For years, I have heard of Thermage and accounts from friends who have tried it. Practically all of them related stories of the excruciating pain they underwent during Thermage although a couple of them claimed Thermage worked. Despite the promises of tighter, more youthful skin that Thermage treatments offer, the tales of excruciating pain during the procedure kept me at bay.

So, when I heard about Volnewmer, a painless alternative to Thermage, I was both hopeful and skeptical. Could this treatment really deliver the same results without the agony?

The Volnewmer Experience

Helmed by Dr Elias Tam, EHA Clinic is the first to introduce Volnewmer in Singapore. Having previously had a effective acne scar reduction treatment with EHA Clinic, I trusted that I would be in the capable hands of Dr Tam again and decided to give Volnewmer a try at EHA Clinic in Singapore.

Before the Volnewmer session, I had a one-on-one consultation with Dr Tam, who took the time to explain the Volnewmer procedure in detail, addressing all my concerns with patience and professionalism. He explained to me what Volnewmer can do and cannot do so as to set my expectations right.

Volnewmer uses advanced radio frequency (RF) technology to stimulate collagen production and tighten the skin in a non-invasive and pain-free way. According to Dr Tam, both Volnewmer and Thermage use the same type of monpolar radio frequency. But, unlike Thermage, which can be quite painful due to the intense heat, Volnewmer’s technology allows for a much gentler experience.

With Volnewmer, the advanced RF waves penetrate the skin’s deeper layers up to 3mm, stimulating collagen production and promoting tissue tightening without causing surface discomfort. This technology ensures that the treatment is both effective and comfortable, providing patients with visible results without the need for anaesthesia or extensive recovery periods. Volnewmer can deliver consistent and uniform energy distribution, which maximises treatment efficacy while minimising any risk of skin damage. From what I understood from Dr Tam, for Thermage treatments, there is a risk of the skin being burnt due to the excess heat.

As I settled into the treatment chair, memories of the horror stories I have heard about Thermage treatments loomed large in my mind. However, as the session began, I was pleasantly surprised by how comfortable the entire process was. Throughout the treatment, all I felt was a soothing warmth on my skin, akin to a relaxing facial massage. There was no pain, no discomfort, just a pleasant, warming sensation. In fact, Dr Tam recounted a candid incident when his patient fell asleep during his Volnewmer treatment; it was THAT comfortable. Maybe it helped that the machine looks like a friendly robot too.

Dr Tam’s skilful hands worked methodically, ensuring that every part of my face received the treatment it needed. His expertise shone through in the way he manoeuvred the device, targeting specific areas with precision. The entire session lasted about an hour, and I found myself feeling more relaxed with each passing minute.

Immediate and Long-Term Results

Immediately after the treatment, I noticed a subtle lift in my skin. There was a newfound radiance that I hadn’t seen in years. Unlike Thermage, which often requires a significant downtime due to the redness and swelling, Volnewmer left my skin looking refreshed and glowing without any side effects. There was no downtime at all and I was able to walk out of the clinic feeling confident and ready to face the world.

Before and after (unedited): skin appears visibly brighter immediately after the Volnewmer treatment.

It has been only three weeks since I’ve had the Volnewmer treatment so it’s still early days to see more visible results due to the body taking time to rebuild collagen. For most people, measurable results would appear gradually about two to six months following a treatment session.

A significant part of my positive experience was undoubtedly due to Dr Elias Tam’s expertise and reassuring nature. His deep understanding of the technology and its application made all the difference.

If you’ve been traumatised by stories of painful Thermage treatments, Volnewmer is a game-changer. Volnewmer offers a painless, comfortable alternative that delivers impressive results without the dreaded discomfort. Give Volnewmer a try. Trust me, your skin – and your pain threshold – will thank you.

To book your own Volnewmer experience, visit EHA Clinic at 1 Scotts Road #15-01 Shaw Centre Singapore 228208 or whatsapp +659696 5248.


About Author

Katherine Goh is the managing editor and co-founder of Asia 361. On days when she is not writing, she spends her time dreaming of becoming a travel photographer. For editorial matters, she can be reached at email: [email protected].

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