Epic Race This Weekend: Spartan Race Singapore


Here’s some background information for those who haven’t heard of Spartan Race Singapore.

A Spartan race is not your everyday run-of-the-mill marathon or running event. It consists of a 6km run, fraught with over 22 obstacles and is considered one of the world’s toughest obstacle race courses. Think climbing, crawling across unfamiliar terrains, splashing through muds and jumping aside from running. It is a test of ultimate strength, endurance. balance and most importantly, mental strength.


Despite being classified as a highly adventurous activity created for all fitness and adrenaline junkies, it is ultimately an event for all. Regardless of age, size and fitness level, everyone is encouraged to participate in the event just to experience the thrill and fun of it. If you can’t run, no worries, just take a walk! There will also be volunteers stationed around to give you that extra push through the obstacles (though there might be an additional time penalty for that).


As shared by Irvin Chong, Fitness Manager at Fitness First Marina Bay Financial Centre, here are some tips to know if you are thinking of taking part in the race:


  1. Sled Pull x 10-15m
  2. Sled Push x 40-50m
  3. Run for 500m [active recovery]
  4. Simulated Rope Clim x 5-10reps
  5. Tyre Flips x 15-20reps
  6. Run for 500m [active recovery]
  7. Kettlebell Swings x 30-50reps
  8. Bear Crawl x 10-20m
  9. Run for 500 [active recovery]
  10. Burpees x 30reps
  11. Explosive clap push-ups x 20reps
  12. Run for 500m [active recovery]

Repeat the programme as many rounds as possible within an hour with no rest in between.

Take progressions or regressions based on your personal fitness level and do remember to take a break if you need to.


Top five things you’d need to do to excel in the race (includes upper body, functional mobility, anaerobic fitness):

1. Running –  core of the race 

2. Lifting strength – lots of lifting & carrying during the race. E.g. Sandbag carry, tyre flips, bucket brigade etc.

3. Pulling strength – plenty of obstacles that requires pulling. E.g. Rope climb, Hercules hoist, sled/tyre pull, wall climbing.

4. Grip strength – majority of the obstacles requires grip strength to clear. E.g. monkey bars, farmers walk with logs, traverse wall etc.

5. Agility & balance – most of the obstacles require a certain level of agility & balance to overcome. E.g. tyre course, wall climbing, cargo nets, over/under, balance beams


As the days draw nearer to race day, do remember to prepare your body for it. Eat well and rest well, a good start will enable you to perform better for the challenges. Best of luck for the race this weekend!


About Author

Josmin is a writer by day and gym rat by night. Being an active girl, she hopes to conquer most of the adrenaline-packed activities in the world.

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