Asia 361 is an online lifestyle publication designed with Asians in mind. Our readers are trend leaders in the know on the latest in food, fashion, technology, travel and all the happenings on Asia.
Why Asia 361? It’s our way of saying we cover the latest happenings of Asia 360° and beyond. We work (ok, and sometimes play) hard to go that added extra mile to curate and deliver non-stop news to keep you inspired. If it’s about the latest, the newest and the best, you can be sure we are sniffing them out for you.
KATHERINE GOH, Managing Editor and Co-founder
Katherine is the managing editor and co-founder of Asia 361, where she oversees a growing group of contributors across Asia. While writing has long been second nature to her, it was only in recent years that she got into editorial work. Prior to that, she has more than 13 years of experience in public relations, and has worked at multinational corporations such as Daimler, PayPal, and Johnson & Johnson.
On days when she is not writing, she longs to hop on a plane and travel to far-flung places with her camera in hand. A photographer at heart, Katherine sometimes prefers to tell stories through her photos than words. She is also a Getty Images contributor. Follow her on Instagram @kateyesphotography.
ALVIN LIM, Business Development Lead and Co-founder
Alvin is a digital and social media native. He is a self-professed 100% geek who spends too much time online. Alvin is also the founder and editor of, one of Singapore’s top content site. He has been blogging since 2007 and is a known figure in the blogging scene.
Alvin has over 10 years of sales and marketing experience in local and global roles at Singapore Press Holdings, DBS Bank, News Corp and the Nanjing Youth Olympic Games Organising Committee. He has also worked with major brands such as Coca-Cola, Nestle, Nikon, Panasonic, AirAsia, Jetstar Asia, Destination New South Wales and the Hong Kong Tourism Board for collaborations with
CALIXTO TAY, Technology Lead and Co-founder
Calixto is a young technopreneur and IT Consultant based in Singapore. He has more than 10 years of experience in the industry, ranging from creating his own startups to doing IT consulting and development work for clients. His successful ventures include BookINBookOUT, a pre-owned textbook marketplace for tertiary students in Singapore, and Originally US, a mobile app and website development company trusted by MNCs and startups alike.
An active contributor in the Singapore IT scene, Calixto is also the proud recipient of Singapore Computer Society’s IT Youth Award 2014 and Information Technology Management Association’s Future Information Technology Leader Award 2013. When not eating or coding, Calixto enjoys awesome first-person shooters such as Battlefield 4 and TitanFall.
FEN CHIA, Senior Writer (Singapore)
Fen is a writer and a fervent amateur photographer. Particularly passionate about food heritage and emerging destinations, she frequently merges both pursuits with trips to hone her palate. She has made it her permanent personal mission to document vanishing trades and lifestyles. Fen is also an aspiring polyglot with fluencies in several European languages. She dreams of a mammoth expedition across the former Soviet Union one day.
SHAUNA SOH, Senior Writer (Singapore)
A doctor by day, Shauna Soh is a huge animal lover and can always be found cozying up to her furry friends. When not receiving puppy kisses, she is most likely on a hunt for chocolate, part of the sweet tooth’s quest to savour all the chocolatey desserts out there. Gluttony aside, the self-professed bookworm enjoys writing poetry, reading, and occasionally picking up a pen or two to do lettering.
JUSTIN TEO, Senior Writer (Singapore)
Justin is a noobie writer who still finds it hard to believe anybody would want to publish anything he writes. Thanks to the Internet, he is now unstoppable in his quest to becoming famous. When Justin is not correcting his own grammar for his writing, he can be found trying to bake, learning digital photography or drooling over sexy new tech toys.
SHANNON SOH, Writer (Singapore)
Shannon is a twenty-something lawyer who perpetually enjoys eating and travelling. To reward herself for ‘conquering’ her law assignments, Shannon can occasionally be found going on food hunts. Shannon is also game for new experiences and would try pretty much anything, as long as it does not involve lizards or crazy heights. Check out more of her experiences on Instagram.
EMILY KOH, Writer (Singapore)
Emily is a lady with a profound penchant for spices and exotic flavours. While she is not spending her time reading law, she can be found dancing Latin ballroom and stuffing her face with good food (not simultaneously, thankfully!). An adrenaline junkie, Emily is also a sports fanatic who aims to finish an ultramarathon some day. She hopes to savour all the flavours of the world, one adventure at a time.
VANESSA HENG, Writer (Singapore)

JOSMIN ONG, Writer (Singapore)

GORDEN KOH, Writer (Singapore)
Gorden is a data analyst in a US big tech company, motorcycle enthusiast, rocking climber, bonsai-master-wannabe and cat-dad to a 12 year old ginger. He enjoys writing as a way to distill big ideas into simple stories. Over the last decade, he has also co-founded an e-commerce brand and spent some years crunching numbers in Finance. Some of his fondest adventures include trekking across three countries and motorbiking around Kyushu island.
FONG WEI KURK, Senior Writer (Singapore)
Kurk masquerades as a lawyer by day but daydreams of being a professional rugby player. For now, he is content with disabusing young upstarts from notions of legal practice as a glamorous career. His intense love-hate relationship with food (loves eating with a passion, hates the weight gain) has surprisingly seen him lose almost 40kg from a weight too embarrassing for print. Hopefully, it stays that way.
Joe Kelly, Writer (Vancouver, Canada)
Dr. Joe Kelly is an author, educator and speaker. He teaches university courses and corporate workshops on how to think and act like a change-maker, has authored numerous articles in mainstream media and academic journals, and has presented to audiences around the globe. Determined to walk the talk, he recently completed a yearlong challenge to make a positive difference in the world, everyday for a year. On his blog, he shares his opinions and adventures in creating change. Connect with Joe at
FREY, Senior Writer (Jakarta, Indonesia)
Frey is a daytime hotelier and freelance writer from Jakarta, Indonesia. His ventures are all about travel, food and lifestyle. He hides behind a persona as he operates incognito while checking out restaurants and cafes. His heart beats faster when he discovers little shops, and tasted countless new foods. Asia 361 is his own digital travel best-of list.
WANNY LEE, Writer (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia)
Wanny Lee is a Kuala Lumpur-based writer and travel addict. She often cultivates a carefree lifestyle while indulging on good books, good foods and good music (rock genre, to be specific!). But above all, she treasures life’s simplicity and is often found sipping a glass of good liquor while watching the world pass by.
DAPHNIE LOONG, Writer (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia)
Daphnie is living the life she has always wanted since she stumbled into freelance writing three years ago. She is mostly seen armed with coffee on one hand and a book on the other with her head in the clouds, dreaming of her next travel adventure. Fuelled mostly by curiosity and coffee, Daphnie is currently into collecting experiences and photographs which you can explore through her Instagram profile @daphloong.
MARKY RAMONE GO, Writer (The Philippines)
Marky Ramone Go is a travel-junkie, writer and photographer based in the Philippines. He narrates his experiences wandering the tropical paradise of the Philippines, the culturally rich regions of South East Asia, Sri Lanka and India on his travel blog Nomadic Experiences. After Asia, he is keen on exploring South America and eventually hoping to trace Jack Kerouac’s “On the Road” trail in the United States to Mexico.
CLARE TAN, Writer (California, USA)