What is love?
It does not require you to spend tonnes of money or do big, crazy gestures like chartering an entire plane for a honeymoon. Rather, it is the little things in everyday life that matters.
LoveByte, a mobile app to encourage couples to stay loving by documenting their memories, had put together a whole series of little stories, told through cute, single frame images to share on why love is in the little things.
Without further ado, here is their list:
1. Anger
2. Attention
3. Effort
4. Annoying
5. Time
6. Direction
7. Seeing
8. Thinking
9. Not Hanging Up
10. Saying
11. Learning
12. Sending
13. Mundane Things
14. Texting
15. Smile
16. Staying the Same
17. Not Crying Alone
18. Comfortable
19. In Photo
20. Doing What Each Other Likes
21. Next to Each Other
22. Sleeping
23. Cuddling
24. Waking Up
25. Washing Up
Which of these 25 little stories do you identify with the most? Do share this post if any of the stories resonante with you and give you that warm fuzzy feeling inside when you read it.
LoveByte is available on iOS and Android. For more love stories from LoveByte, you can also follow them on their official migme account, @lovebyteofficial.