I am much of a cat fan, nor do I dislike them in particular. I am simply neutral about cats. But, my interest was piqued when I got invited to the Whiskas National Cat of the Year 2015. I though it’d be interesting to watch. The Whiskas National Cat of the Year is a cat competition where felines are judged based on three categories -“Bright Eyes”, “Shiny Fur Coat” and “Lively and Energetic”.
Now, there was a lot of hype leading up to this competition. Firstly, not many people have been to a cat competition before and so, they did not know what to expect. Secondly, the competition is held in the shopping centre. So, anyone and everyone can just pop by to have a look. Thirdly, ….well, cats are just adorable.
At the event, there were stalls set up for cat lovers to bring in their beloved felines for grooming. What’s more, they were even offered a free vet consultation. Also, you can choose to adopt a cat on the spot at their cat adoption area.
After having conversed with a few cat lovers and seen how the competition run, here’s a rundown of what I have observed of cats:
1. Cats have characters.
Yes, cats have their own personalities. Just like humans, each cat is different from another. They can range from being playful, active, curious to just plain shy. I met this lady who enthusiastically described how her two cats are different from another. She has two, named Kecil and Kuning. According to her, Kuning is more of an active, sociable cat while Kecil is more of a quiet cat and can be picky with food. Now, that sounds a bit like us as individuals, doesn’t it?
2. They need the right nutrients.
Cats need to have the right amount of nutrients to stay healthy and fit. They need to be fed with the right amount of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and sufficient water for body maintenance and growth. Now, that is not to say that cats can eat anything. They can’t have chocolates, just to point out one of the few things cats can’t have.
3. They can be shy.
Contrary to popular belief, cats are not unfriendly, but sometimes they are just shy, especially when they are around a huge crowd. Some cats get distressed and cling on to their owners tightly so while others were just curious about their surroundings. One thing I noticed about cats when they are curious is their pupils dilate as they slowly take in the happenings revolved around them.
4. They can grow into the size of a puppy.

A Scottish Fold cat. Photo via Reddit.
Yep, I kid you not. Depending on the breed, some cats can grow up the size of a small puppy. I learnt that breeds such as Maine Coon, also known as the American Longhair, can reach up to 120cm in length. And, that’s not it! There’s also a breed called Scottish Fold where the cat has an “owl-like” appearance with folded ears. I have to admit they are the cutest.
5. They are simply adorable.
All in all, just like other domesticated animals, cats are absolutely adorable. Whether you are a cat fan or not, felines are more than just cats. They are, in fact, a good companion for mankind. Meow!